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Since the foundation of our company in the year 1983, we are continuesly focuse on recommend the right welding materials to our customers with high appropriation and speciliazation, after that, owing to our great dedication in the field of mold welding, we win the reputation as “the bridge between welding and molding ” and enjoy the good fame in mold welding industry both in mainland and Taiwan.
With years accumulation of experience, CmCtw can provide you consultation pricely while choosing welding materails.With lagre number of goods in stock as neceesary, CmCtw can provide you with your order promptly. With our dedication in the field of mold welding, CmCtw can provide you with all kinds of assit while molding.
CmCtw enjoy a high quality of goods continusly and steadily, with customers as our orientation, we sincerely hope that we can have the opportunity to provide our serivice.
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_cabbage27.html 主营业务:激光焊丝 经营模式:
生产型 成立年份:1983年 |
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